She never thought it would go this far.
It started out so innocently, but now has taken on a life of its own. Problem is, Lindsay Palmer doesn't know how to stop. Even worse, she doesn't want to stop. Her daily deceit has become both her greatest pleasure and deepest shame. Thousands of people love her, but would they if they knew the truth.
A simple favor for his baby sister brings Lindsay into Luke Jamieson's life. There's something about this girl that keeps her on his mind hours and days after each time they meet. Now here he is, falling in love with a liar. All he wants is for her to let him in, and maybe together he can lead her out of the cage of her own construction.
Will the truth set her free, or have her lies already destroyed everything?
I am so very lucky to be Carey’s beta reader, and this book is for me the second bet book of hers, it was so true and so emotional it will blow your mind.
Lindsay and Luke story is so romantic, so sweet, it is what I needed to read because sometimes we are so into erotic books, sex, fast love, that we sometimes forget that maybe we won’t have sex two weeks after meeting a guy, maybe we will meet a guy and fall in love with him in 6 months, a year, not 3 days after. It was a breath of fresh air
, it was true, it was what love is, slow, sweet, patients, true.
Lindsay has agoraphobia and she never left her house, she is curvy but she was hiding herself from the world, having a blog and faking her image so the internet won’t see the curvy she is but what a skinny version, what society calls as ‘’Perfect’'
I love that Carey took it slow, because if you have that problem or any physiological problem, you know that you don’t get better without a push, without accepting you need help, you don’t get better in a week, it takes time, months, years. Carey took her time healing Lindsay and that has to be the best work an author can make with a character.
‘’ … I started loving the reflection I saw in the mirror. ''
Luke is another story, hot, sexy, fit. He helped Lindsay so much but he took it slow with her, this guy is the sweetest freaking guy you will ever read. Because he didn’t push, he liked her for who she was, he accepted her curvy or not, with her problem and all he accepted her. And that what love is in this story, he is first a friend who supports and wants to help without pushing, turning into a lover who also supports and helps without pushing, taking one step at a time, because if its meant to be it will happen whenever it has to happen.
''All I want to do is prove to her that she can trust me.''
This book was simply beautiful, again so amazingly real and it will teach you that in order to change you have to accept you have a problem, that somebody out there will love you with your bags. To know that it gets better with time not in ‘’days’’. Don’t wait too much and got a buy this beautiful book.
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author. I make up stuff and write it down. Here are some things that make up who I am, in no particular order; Books, Swedish Fish, Rivers, Kids (I have some), Husband (I have 1), Dog, Wuss, Reader, Elephants, Mermaid Shows, Belgian Chocolate, Plastic Rings, Fizzy Water, Abs (I don't have them...well yes, I have them but they're nothing to look at I meant Abs that I like to look at), Twitter (@careylolo), Making up Words, Chair Dancing, Old Movies, Cartoons, Belgian Waffles, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, People, Kayaks, Screen Porches, Laughing, Colored Paperclips, Junky Green Laptop, Golden Rule, Falling in Love, Jumping in Puddles, Spellcheck, Windy Days.
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author. I make up stuff and write it down. Here are some things that make up who I am, in no particular order; Books, Swedish Fish, Rivers, Kids (I have some), Husband (I have 1), Dog, Wuss, Reader, Elephants, Mermaid Shows, Belgian Chocolate, Plastic Rings, Fizzy Water, Abs (I don't have them...well yes, I have them but they're nothing to look at I meant Abs that I like to look at), Twitter (@careylolo), Making up Words, Chair Dancing, Old Movies, Cartoons, Belgian Waffles, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, People, Kayaks, Screen Porches, Laughing, Colored Paperclips, Junky Green Laptop, Golden Rule, Falling in Love, Jumping in Puddles, Spellcheck, Windy Days.
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